Frequently asked questions

How to get new connection?

1How I contact you for a new connection?

Please contact us by call, email or visit. We log your requirement and give you the best solution for your need.

2What are the required documents for the connection?

A passport size photograph, a valid ID proof copy and a signed CAF (Customer Application Form). Optionally you can provide your email and contact number.

3In how many days I get connection?

It wouldn't take time to get connection. Our team established your connection in same day or within 2 days. It takes 2-3 hours to activate your account.

4How much I need to pay for a new connection?

You only need to pay the installation charges, if applicable and one month advance payment. Our cycle works in advance payment mode.

5Is there any extra charges?

Yes, we do apply extra charges for the fiber wire if it goes 200+ meters. We provide 200 meters free wire with installation charges. Beyond that we charge rupees 10/merter.

Downtime or no connectivity?

1What it the downtime for the broadband connection?

Usually there is no downtime for the service. But when there is any outage from the backend it will informed your in advance.

2Estimated time to restore the connectivity failure?

We takes 1-2 hours to restore the links break at local locations. However, if the link is broken from backend it will takes 3-4 hours to restore.

3Is there any compensation for downtime period?

No, there is no compensation from our side in your monthly bill. Because the technical failures are not in our hand.

Contact for no connectivity and technical issue.

1In case of connectivity failure.

Please reach us on +91 75596 00070 in case your face connectivity failure.

2Technical issue.

For website not working and slow speed issue please contact +91 75596 00050.


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